Nina Rappaport – Vertical Urban Factory

Il 10 maggio dalle ore 18.00 alle 20.30, Nina Rappaport, autrice e curatrice di Vertical Urban Factory, presenterà il suo libro a Polifactory.
Il libro analizza le Fabbriche Verticali Urbane moderniste e il loro significativo ruolo come agenti d’innovazione e cambiamento nel passato e come rinnovata opportunità contemporanea per costruire spazi per la nuova produzione urbana.
“…Today manufacturing is cleaner, smaller, and can spatially co-exist in dense mixed-use urban neighborhoods. Urban manufacturing creates the potential for people to live and work in the same community and adds cultural and economic vibrancy to our cities. At the same time, the resurgence of manufacturing activities in our cities challenges outdated architectural thinking about “factory” design as well as established urban land use and zoning policies. Rappaport will present ways to leverage design to maintain diverse urban spaces to reconsider the potential for building vertically and thus more densely in cities, that, in turn, would reinforce in the cycles of making, consuming, and recycling as part of a natural feedback loop in a new sustainable urban spatial paradigm…
Modera la presentazione Stefano Micelli, Università Cà Foscari Venezia.
È incluso un piccolo aperitivo.
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