MI-Generation Lab

The Municipality of Milan, in collaboration with 18 partners, proposes for the first time, through the project MI-Generation Lab, a set of free educational paths mainly centered on new technologiesfinalized on the development of new skills and on the production of entrepreneurial ideas in innovative areas. The project was dedicated to over 200 young and elderly students  from 18 to 35 years old, precarious or unemployed, with residence or domicile in Milan.

Within the project MI-Generation Lab, the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano, with the scientific support of Polifactory, takes care to assess and analyze the impact and effectiveness of educational initiatives organized by the Fab Lab participants. The goal is to understand the potential of the experiential learning in connection with the skills developement of young unemployed.





Comune di Milano


Regione Lombardia
Comune di Milano
Dipartimento della Gioventù e del Servizio Civile e della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

Parole Chiave

Experimental Learning