Polifactory shares the results of its activities through scientific and divulgative publications


Books, reports, catalogues

  • Bianchini, M., Bolzan, P., Maffei, S. (2020). Designing in the Post-Covid Era. In: The Covid-19 Crisis as a Global Test Bed for Distributed Design. (p. 24-33) Barcelona:Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, ISBN: 978-84-120886-0-1
  • Maffei, S. & Bianchini, M. (2020). Homo Faber. In Tassinari, V. & Staszowski, E. (Eds.), Designing in Dark Times An Arendtian Lexicon (pp. 142-144). Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
  • Sedini, C., Cipriani, L., Maffei, S.; Bianchini, M. & Gelsomini, M., (2020) Co-designing with vulnerable social groups: BODYSOUND pilot project, in C. Sedini Collectively designing social worlds. History and Potential of Social Innovation, Milano: FrancoAngeli. https://www.francoangeli.it/Ricerca/scheda_libro.aspx?id=26838
  • Maffei, S., Bianchini, M., Parini, B., Cipriani, L. (2019). MakeToCare2. La patient innovation in Italia tra progetto e mercato. Libraccio Editore.
  • Dastoli, C., Bolzan, P., Bianchini, M., Del Curto, B., & Maffei, S. (2019, February). Approaches to Digital Manufacturing: Designing Through Materials. In International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (pp. 628-633). Springer, Cham.
  • Bianchini, M., Maffei, S., & Bolzan, P. (2019). Distributed design for distributed care. In K. Armstrong, T. Diez, L. Goldapple A., Schmidt & C., Villum. (Eds.) Design, remix, shape, repeat. (p. 82-93). Barcelona:Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, ISBN: 978-84-948142-3-5
  • Bianchini, M.& Maffei, S. (2020). Make in Milan. Developing a Fab City Ecosystem. Integrating design, social innovation, making and new urban manufacturing. In Diez, T. (Eds.), Fab City. The Mass distribution of (almost) everything (pp. 188-193). Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. https://issuu.com/iaac/docs/fabcitymassdistribution
  • Maffei, S.; Bianchini, M.; Parini, B. & Delli, Zotti. (2017). MakeToCare. An ecosystem of actors and user-centred solutions for innovation in the healthcare sector. Libraccio Editore
  • Maffei, S., & Bianchini, M. (Eds.) (2016). Next Design Innovation. Libraccio Editore

Journal Articles

  • Menichinelli, M., Bianchini, M., & Maffei, S. (2020). Editorial: Open & Distributed + Design & Production: Design Strategies for Enabling Indie Designers and Makers. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13(1). doi:10.4013/sdrj.2020.131.01
  • Bianchini, M., & Maffei, S. (2020). Facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution: empowering (human) design agency and capabilities through experimental learning. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13(1). doi:10.4013/sdrj.2020.131.06

Conference proceedings

  • Bianchini, M., Cipriani, L. Parini, B. & Maffei, S. (2020). MAKETOCARE(2). Supporting Patient Innovation from Ideas to Market. In Christer, K., Craig, C. & Chamberlain, P. (Eds.) Vol. 1 of Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020. (p.71-81) https://research.shu.ac.uk/design4health/publications/2020-conference-proceedings
  • Cipriani, L., Ascani, A,, Sedini, C., Bianchini, M., Maffei, S. (2020) The BODYSOUND case. A tangible prototype for co-designing “intangible” healthcare solutions. in ETIS 2020 – European Tangible Interaction Studio 2020.
  • Varisco, L., Mariani, I., Parisi, S., Stepanovic, M., Invernizzi, M., & Bolzan, P. (2019, August). InData envisioning and prototyping informed by data. A data scraping and visualization tool to support design scenarios. In International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (pp. 441-447). Springer, Cham.
  • Mariani, I., Parisi, S., Bolzan, P., Stepanovic, M., Invernizzi, M., & Varisco, L. (2019). Indata, Envisioning & Prototyping Informed by Knowledge. Open-Access Data Platform to Support Design Scenarios. In 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (pp. 5696-5705). IATED.
  • Bolzan, P., Gaetani, F., & Bianchini, M. (2019). Implementing Additive Manufacturing Education and Culture in Design Schools. In 16th Rapid Design, Prototyping and Manufacturing Conference (pp. 108-113). Uxbridge.
  • Dastoli, C., Bolzan, P., Bianchini, M., Del Curto, B., & Maffei, S. (2018). Design, digital fabrication & 3D printing: a crash course for design students. In 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain (pp. 4774-4781).