Mirko Gelsomini

Product Designer
Research Fellow

Mirko Gelsomini is a research fellow at the Department of Design (DESIGN) at the Politecnico di Milano. Graduated with honors (a.y. 2017-18) in Information Technology and Graduated with honors (a.y. 2013-14) in Engineering of Computing Systems at Politecnico di Milano, his research focuses on the analysis, design, development and evaluation of innovative interactive technologies to support play, learning and inclusion of children (especially with intellectual disabilities), including immersive virtual reality, social robots, multisensory rooms and motion-based interaction. Winner of several awards at international conferences and author of more than 50 publications on the topic, he has done research periods abroad at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Ubicomp Group and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Media Lab) in Personal Robots Group. In 2016 he received a Master’s degree in Business and Strategic Management from Harvard University.