Aurélie Marie Glaser
Product Designer - Talent in Residence
Born in Lyon in 1996, I studied product and spatial design during my bachelor degree at ESAD (Ecole supérieure d’Art et de Design) Orléans. Willing to discover other design cultures and approaches, I decided to continue my study career at Politecnico di Milano where I am currently completing a Master Degree in Integrated Product Design. During my academic growth as a design professional, I have always been particularly interested in the way people experience, and I believe that Design is a powerful medium capable of changing our perception and interaction with an environment.
Interested in the field of Healthcare, the initial research of my thesis focuses on the different ways Design can help to improve the autonomy and the quality of life of people affected by rare diseases. Beyond the technical aspect, I want to investigate the potential of Design to transform people’s relation and approach to the disease. Even though there has been substantial research and innovation within this domain the previous decades, a lot of problems remain untackled. Indeed the combined rare, complex and disabling nature of most rare diseases leads to serious unmet health and social needs for people affected by it and their families’ well-being, autonomy and fundamental human rights. Through the analysis of a specific disease (Glycogenosis type 2), my aim is to conceive a project that fits the needs and constraints related to it, in collaboration with patients and medical professionals.