Product Designer. In 2018 she obtained a Master’s degree in Product and Research Design from “LABA – Libera Accademia di Belle Arti” in Brescia with a thesis titled “ProtAction.” After completing her studies, she decided to pursue a freelance career, focusing on two areas: teaching and the development of experimental prototypes and research. The first collaboration began in 2018 with the LTO Mantova fablab, where she provided training on digital fabrication and sustainability to students, teachers, and adults. From 2020 onward, she became a Research Fellow at Politecnico di Milano – Polo Territoriale di Mantova. In this role, she was responsible for designing and implementing maker laboratories in schools connected with the Mantova fablab. In 2020, she embarked on another professional path in collaboration with a foundation in Cremona. Here, she used digital fabrication machines to develop experimental and research projects aimed at enhancing the daily lives of individuals with disabilities such as autism and self-injury. Since June 2023, she has been working as a Research Fellow at Polifactory, primarily focusing on research projects related to digital fabrication, design, and sustainability.